Oct the 4th 1862
In the woods near Sandy Hooks
Dear Wife
I thought I would write and let you know that I am well at preasent and hope these ___ may find you all the same. I wrote a fiew lines to you when in Frederick. Rote I had a cold. I cough some yet but my head dont hace eny more. We started from Frederick yesterday and now we are in Sandy Hook a bought a mild from Harpers Fery. We shant stay here long. They are geding ready for a battle. I just now hurd that we was agoing this afternoon. I have ben on Maryland Hyghts whare they had a battle not long ago. I see Jenerls Banks army over a crost the Potomac. It is a very high hill. I could see halle of Verginia. They were acutting down the woods and found 3 dead bodys and they sented so that they had _____ them. I didnot go to where they bureid the dead it was so far but I see enough. Our knapsacks were left in Washington and we have not got them yet. I use my cattrey box for a desk and it durties the papre but I guess you can read it. I guess I will draw to a close. Ciss little Maty for me. My love to all.
So good by
Charles Engle