
Aquia Creek VA
Sadurday April the 25 1863

Dear Charlotte

I was verry mouch disappointed not getting a letter from you to day. There must be one somewhere on the way. Perhaps I will get it tomorrow. I wont seal this until after the mail comes tomorrow and let you know. I havent ben verry well this weak. I have had a cold for about two weaks and last Monday I was on guard. It was a wet rainy day and knight and I havent spoken a loud word since. I am entirely speechless. I have to cough a good deal knights and my head ackes a good deal of the time. I got some medicene of the doctor that helps me some. My cough is looser than it was. It is verry bad weather. We have had two or three rainy days every weak. It seams as though it rains on purpes so that the army cant move. We would ben out of here if it hadent ben for the hard stormes. It seams as though the war has got to be seteld without eney more hard fighting. I hope they wont attacked the rebs at Fredrickburg for we will be all cut to peaces if they do. I dont think they will. I hope not at least. I sent you a picture yesterday. I will send you ten dollars in this letter. We have got our eight days rations all packed yet waiting for orders to start. We may go before tomorrow and we may not go atoll but we expect every day to go. I am verry anxous to hear from you to know how you are getting along. I hope I will get a letter tomorrow. I will put off writing until tomorrow and see if I dont get a letter. So good buy.

Sunday afternoone April the 26

Dear Charlotte

The mail has come and no letter for me. I thought I must get one to day but I dident and so I will finish my letter and put it in the office. I think we will march some I guess tomorrow. They are sending off the sick to day and that is a prety sure sine and I am afraid I shal have to go before I get a letter from you. I am verry mouch disappointed in not getting a letter but I may get one tomorrow. My cold is a verry little better to day but I cant speak loud yet. I wish I could tell you where we are going but I cant for sirten but I guess we will go on boats down the river somewhere. We will go down the river of else up front. I hope I will get a letter before we go. I want to hear from you. I am afraid little Matie is sick with the diptheria. It seemes to me as though you are all sick. Write when you get this and let me know how you like your picture and if you got the money all right or not. I must stop writing for this time. Give my to all the folks. My love to you and Matie. So good buy Charlotte.

Chas Engle to Charlotte E.

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