Camp Fairfax Courthouse
June the 16 /63
My Dear Wife
I thought I would write a fiew lines to you to let you know where I am and that I am well. Sadurday morning we struck tents and marched up the railroad six miles and pitched our tents and expected to stay there. I was detailed to go on brigade guard. I guarded the generls quarters and six o clock there was an order come to march at seven. So we packed up and started. The brigade guard had to go with the wagons. We got to Staferd just at day light. We went from there to Dumfries. Got there at noone and from there to the Ocquion Creek. There we lay until yesterday morning. They had to lay a pontoone bridge and yesterday we came from there here. From Aquia Landing here the route we took was about 50 miles. It was a force march. We got here about one o clock. The regt dident get here until after dark. They cept coming all knight. Such stragling never wasd done. There was never troops marched so fast when it was so hot. There was a good meney sunstruck and some died on the road. I was lucey to get with the teams. I got my knapsack caired. I had all I could do to ceep up as it was. This is a singular move. What it will amount to we cant tell. There is no troops to Aquia now. I heard they had burned the dock and the station and left there. I am glad for there is no use of fighting to Fredericksburg. I feele quite encouraged about the war. I think it will soone be setteld. I guess we wont stay here long. I think we will go out towards Winchester. I hope they ceepe moveing and fighting. If we have got to fight I say fight now. I havent received a letter from you in two weaks. I dident get eney Sadurday and we haint had eney mail since. I hope I will get a letter to day. The mail goes out at three o clock but I dont know wether we will get a mail or not. You must not feel uneasy about me if you dont get letters verry regular for if we march we cant send letters. I dont know weather you can read this or not. I wrote it in a great hurey. I will write againe before we march if I can. I hope I will get a letter to day. I hope this will find you all well. Ciss the babies for me. I must stop for this time. My love to you and all. Good buy.
Charles Engle to Charlotte E
Good buy