
Stevenson Ala
March the 18 /64

Dear Charlotte

I write a fiew lines to you this evening to inform you that I am well and that I received your kind letter yesterday. It was mailed the tenth and I got it the seventeenth. Was glad to hear that you were all well. We are blesed with good health and it is a great blesing in this time of troubel. You are having a great deal troubel again. You are afraid I have to fight again. I dont know how it will be. We expect to join the Army of the Potomac again. I dont know wether we will or not but I think not. I shant let it troubel me and you mustent. I dont want to fight the Virginia Army again. They fight so hard but if it is our luck to go there we shal have to put up with it. We are ready for eneything. I hope the soldiers of the York State will be aloud to vote next fall. I suppose it is against the will of the Demecrats but they cant help themselves. I guess it will all be right. There was a band of guerilies tore up the track day before yesterday and the train run off. They burned the train and robed the passengers of their clothes and money. It happend near Decherd betweene here and Nashville. I presume they was some of the good loyal sidicens of Tenn. Some of them that draw rations from the goverment every day. You neadent bother yourself about that tape. I have got my coat fixed. I dident want it to wear on my arms. I had to draw an artilery coat and wasent aloud to wear the read tape so I had to have black or blue. I sent you my likeness. If you get it you can see it on the side the botens are on. Them on my arms I can draw from the goverment. I am sorry you havent got that picture of our camp. I am afraid you wont get the likeness I sent you. I sent some money with it. You must get things for Matie. You seam to think I gambal and get money. I will tell you how I get it. I can sell what coffe and pork I dont want and get a big price and I earn some washing and spend but verry little. I would reather send it to you. I know you nead it. You neadent be alarmed about my gambling drinking wisky nor swearing. There haint but fiew soldiers that can say that. We have got 13 recruits in our Co. Three of them are veterans. The weather has ben cold for a fiew days. The grass started a little when it was so warm. I must close for the want of roome. Write often. I dont believe you get all my letters. Good buy. My love to you.

Chas Engle

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