
Jan the 18th/63

Dear Charlotte

I have ben disappointed not getting a letter from you yesterday but I suppose you wrote one but there was no mail come yesterday. We have got to march again. We shal start in the morning for parts unnown. Some think we will be transported. I dont know where we will go. I am well and tough but rather lonesome to day. Sorry to say that Erastus was taken to the hospitle this morning. He was taken sick some over a weak ago. He had an actacked of fever and the bleeding desentary. The doctor broke the fever and he was some better but he got worse this weak. He had a lame back and sore acrost him. He couldent eat eney thing much. He had a cough and raises some blood. There has one of our boys just come from Harpers Ferry. He seas Billy is well and will be with us in a fiew days. The weather has ben warm for quite a spell but there was a verry suden change knight before last. The wind blew and it grew cold verry fast. It was a cold knight last knight and it is cold to day. So cold that I can hardly write. Charlotte Mr. Batcher was here this weak but I dident see him. I was out on picet. I got all the things you sent to me by him. I thank you verry much but you neadent sent me eneything more unless I write for it. You stated in your letter that you felt bad to think that I was half starved. You musent wurey about that. We have enough such as it is and it is verry good to. It agrees with me. I dont look nor expect to have things as we had at home. Most everything is good enough for the solediers. When we march we dont have all we want but when we are in camp we have enough to eat. I am well supplied for this time for the march. Rast couldent eat his rations so I have got all I can cairy. I have got over 50 hard tacks and 45 lbs of boiled pork and plenty of coffee. I bought 2 lbs of dried berries. Got them for 35 cents. I got them of James Batcher. George Burdge has ben sick. He was taken to the hospitle with the rest of the boys this morning. There was 62 went out of our reg and 25 deserted this weak. Our reg grows small fast. I have got a new pair of pants and I have had bad luck with them. I got cold writing and went to warm and burned one of the news so I shal have to put on a patch. You must ceep up good courage and not wourey about me. I would like to see you verry much but I hope one of these days I will be free and can come home to live with you in time of peace. You may tell Maria about Rast. He wants her to know it. I some think now we will get our pay before long. If we do I will send you my spending money. I want you to get things that you need. I think you must nead some little things and I want you to have the three dollars per month that I received for my use to get you some things. I can get along without it. I have got paper and ink so I dont nead much money. Give my best respects to our folks. I shall have to close for this time. I dont know when I shal have a chance to write again but I will write the first chance I have. You must write and write how you get along and how you get your wood and so on. How I wish I could be there with you. I would like to see you all. No more this time so good buy. My love to you by the basket. Ciss Maty for me.
Good buy

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