
Sunday Apr the 5 / 63

Dear Charlotte

I thought I would write a fiew lines to you to let you know that I am well and that I have got back to old Virginia again. I left Binghamton a little after five. Got to Elmira about eight. Staied theire untill the next morning halve past eight. Got to Baltimore at halfe past ten last knight. Laid there until five this morning. Got to Washington at seven. Took the boat at eight. Got to the landing at one. The Capt got back yesterday. He and I both was reported absent yesterday morning. I am glad I got back to day. If I hadent I would be reported a deserter. The old Col is verry particular. It was a long and lonesome jurney. It come reather hard for me to leave home. The next time I come to see you I dont want to be obliged to go back to Va. I had a verry good luck with our box. I had it checked all the way to Baltimore and then I took it in the cars with me. I had to carry it from one depot to the other in Baltimore and Washington and from the landing to the regt. All togeather made five miles. The talk here now is that we are agoing to stay here this sumer to do provossed duty. I hope we will. If we do we shant have to fight and I will stand a little better chance to get back with you to live againe. Most every bodey thinks the war will soone close. A great meney have faith in that war spring I told you about. I hope it will for I want to come home and spend the rest of my days with you. It commenced snowing yesterday afternoone. It snowed verry hard. The snow was quite deep in Baltimore and Washington and there is some here. I shal have to write a short letter this time. It is most knight. So no more now.

My love to you. Good buy Charlotte


I got that letter with the coffe and stamps in. Tell me weather little Matie misses me or not. Ciss her for me. I want to see you all as bad again as ever. I shall have to stop writing. So good buy Dear Charlotte.


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