
Sunday May the 24 /63
Camp Aquia Creek

My Dear Wife

I wrote one sheete Friday and now I will write a little more. It is so warm I can hardly write but I will try. I am well and hope this will find you all well. I would like to get a letter from you every day. How I would like to come home and see out little boy. I suppose it is mine. If I was home I would father it eney how. I want you to write the particulars just how you get along and all about it. How I would like to see my little famely. I think if I was home we could take more comford than we ever did before. You sead mother seays the baby looks as I did when I was small. I cant remember quite so long so I want you to tel me how he looks as near as you can. Does he look eney as Matie did. I guess not. I guess he haint as sweet as she was and is yet but I cant tell eneything about it. If I was there I could soone tell but how glad I am you are so smart and the baby to. If you was poorly you and I both would have more troubel than we do and I know you have plenty now. I feele a good deal better about you that I did. You musent worry about me. I guess we will stay here the most of the sumer. I hope so for it would almost kill us to march when is is so hot. I would answer Rachels letter but I dont exzackly know where to direct. I wish I had some of them pies and custerd you baked. I think they would taste good this hot weather. I guess we will be paied before long. I hope so. Has Blommer got the rent yet or not. I suppose Paul works Jack. How does he look. I make him ceep him and tell him he must take good care of him. Have you got eneything planted in the garden. O if I could onely be there for a fiew weaks but you must not try to do eneything out dores. I am glad have got your wood cut. Tell them I am verry much obliged. If I ever get out of this alive and once more get to be a free man I think I shal spend the rest of my days with my famely. This is a hard way to live but it is war times and we must make the best of it. I haint got but 27 months more to stay if I stay my time out which I dont think we will. I dont think the war will last this year out. I want to see you and the little ones verry much but I cant and so I shal have to make the best of it but I can hardly stand it. I want to see the baby so bad but here I be far from friends. I see some long lonesome days and I know you do but let us ceep up good courage hoping one of these days to live and enjoy each others compeny again. I must close for the time. Write often. It does me so much good to get your letters. I send my love to you. Ciss the little ones for me. Good buy Dear Charlotte.

Charles to Charlotte

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