
Goldsboro NC
April 1 /65

Dear Charlotte

I will try and write you a fiew lines to inform you that I am well. We are enjoying a quiet camp leife. It is verry lonesome here. There is nothing going on as there was in Savannah. That was a lively place while we were there. I enjoyed it verry well myself. I stated in my last letter that I thought we wouldent get pay here but I guess we will get six months pay. I hope we will and then they will owe us but 7 months when our times is out. Time passes verry fast and let it fly. I dont care how fast. We are having verry pleasent weather now. I heard that the Susquehannah river had ben verry high and had done some damage. I have looked for a letter every mail but I havent got eney since I got the four togeather. I hope I will get one soone. I want to hear from you. I heard that Grant and Lee have had a fight. I would like to hear the partuculars. I heard the 9th corps drove the rebels. You will nead a cow this summer. Are you going to try to ceep one or not. I dont see how you can get along without a cow. The children want milk and shall have it as soone as I get home. I know it will be hard to hire pasture and it will make a great deal of work for you. You must do the best you can yet this summer. I will try and send you about $200 dollars when I get pay so you will have some money to help your self with if you cant ceep a cow. You had better on the childrens account if you cant ceep a cow you had better have some grocersman send to New York and get a case of condensed milk. There is 45 cans in a case. It wouldent cost a great deal and it is verry good and alwais ready. Do as you think best. I dont think condensed milk would cost more than 25 or 30 cents per can in New York by the case. If you can get it for that it would be cheaper than to buy a cow and be botherd with one all sumer. I dont think of eneything more to write this time. I hope you are all well. I want to see you all verry much. I look at your likeness about 500 times a day. No more this time. Write often. Good buy dear Charlotte.

Charles Engle

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